Cysts of the soft tissues

  • Epidermoid cyst
    • Rare
    • May manifest during infancy or childhood
    • Most commonly midline of FOM
    • Treatment with enucleation, recurrences are rare
  • Heterotropic gastrointestinal cyst
    • Extremely rare
    • Usually present at birth or soon after
    • Cystic swelling in the anterior floor of mouth
    • Enucleation, rare recurrence
  • Lymphoepithelial cyst (Oral tonsil)
    • Rare
    • Any age 
    • Yellowing, circumscribed swelling, asymptomatic
    • Floor of mouth and ventral tongue
  • Nasolabial cyst
    • Rare
    • Mainly diagnosed during adulthood
    • Paramedian swelling in the upper mucobuccal fold. May show some radiographic erosion. May see swelling of nasolabial groove and bluish swelling intranasally
    • Enucleation through an intraoral approach
  • Mucous retention phenomenon (Mucocele, Ranula)
    • Traumatic obstruction of the duct
    • Common, any age
    • Bluish, non painful, recurre
    • Mainly Lower lip (Mucocele) or floor of mouth (Ranula) involving the sublingual gland
    • Plunging ranula herniates through the mylohyoid muscle presenting as a submental or submandibular swelling. 
    • Lower lip enucleation
    • Ranula marsupualisation. If recurrence, removal of the sublingual gland may be indicated
    • Plunging ranula, removal of the gland should resolve the issue
  • Thyroglossal duct cyst
    • Rare, usually manifests during childhood
    • Any site along the thyroglossal tract: Extraorally in the neck midline or intraorally in the foramen caecum (Posterior of the median sulcus of the tongue dorsum) or tongue dorsum
    • Enucleation, may need to include portion of the hyoid bone to prevent recurrence
