
Showing posts from March, 2017

Curing light ADA video

-Roast chicken analogy: Put a chicken in the oven at the highest heat and when it looks good on the outside is it cooked well? -Irradiance: power/area -Power->Watts -Bulk filling: Light tip has to cover the restoration completely. Some MFRS are smaller diameter which is smaller than a molar M-D distance. -Uncured CR, Uncured monomers at the deepest part esp pulpal area-> Doesn't have the physical properties that MFR intends.  "Pt is biting down on a sponge" common reason for Cr to fail. Low conversion rate causes leakage of monomers and photoinitiators. -Overcuring can cause damage: cook the pulp, damage the gingiva, Follow MFR instructions. Can cure longer but should have a break e.g 5 seconds or blow air over tooth -Ramp cure and pulse lights, no beneficial effect shown. Ramp effect needs to increase over minutes not seconds to be actually effective in reducing problems -Variation within composites: Shade-> can have maximum increment size differences -C

Mental blocks

Today I had to extract lower 3-3 for the insertion of a full lower immediate denture. I was hesitant to give bilateral IDBs and asking around it seemed as though the other dentists would be as well. I got around it by giving bilateral mental blocks and lingual infiltrations. There were no premolars for intraoral landmarks so I palpated extraorally then intraorally to find the mental foramen. I retracted the soft tissues with my finger to have an intraoral reference to penetrate the mucosa. Lingual infiltrations I placed around the lateral incisor area and it seemed to be sufficient to anaesthetise one tooth either side. The OPG also helped in approximating the position distal to the canines.

Composite resin protocol

This is the composite resin protocol I've been using recently including instruments: 1. LA, Rubber dam, prewedge and cavity prep (Lately I've had difficulty with larger spaces between teeth, the largest wooden wedge hasn't binded and stayed in place. I may try a plastic wedge in the future. It has the benefit of sitting down into the gingival sulcus and inverting the dam) 2. Matrix band and burnish against the next tooth a) 1-2 walls missing interproximally: Sectional matrix band/s. If the buccal and lingual extensions are too severe and the use of a ring will crush the band then use a wooden wedge to seal the gingival margin. The band can be adapted into the gingival sulcus for adaptation against the tooth but most likely i'll need to trim the excess material post placement b) 3 walls missing: Tofflemire band and wooden wedges or plastic wedge and separating ring c) 3.5-4 walls missing: Automatrix and wooden wedges 3. Bonding procedures 4. With the composite re