
Showing posts from February, 2020

Another update

Been fairly busy lately and haven't had time to post anything. Moved from Queensland back home to Sydney. Personally I wouldn't recommend anyone move back in with their parents after years away from home but in the end I really can't complain. Leaving my old position was poignant but I'm getting better and better at letting go of things (not sure if that's good). I've started a new position in the public system in a large hospital and I'm finding there are definite differences between public and private dentistry. Originally I was planing to work part time in the hospital and a day or two privately but they changed my offer in the hospital to full time. I'm unsure what my plan is for the future but I'm just seeing where this takes me for now. Working in a hospital is interesting. I have found: -There are positives and negatives to any job and any job type. Private dentistry has higher potential cash flow but has less predictable patient flow.Pub