Fissure sealants

Fissure sealants are placed in the fissures of high risk teeth. These may be deep fissures in medium to low risk patients or all fissures of high risk patients. It is to be judged on a case by case basis. Deep fissures on even low risk patients can lead to caries and therefore requires intervention. This is especially true if histologically they have an isthmus and open into a wider cavity at the base of the fissure. Spaces such as these are plaque and food retentive and are smaller than the width of a toothbrush bristle. Additionally the thickness of enamel at this region is much thinner and so caries progresses much faster into dentine and towards pulp.

Fissure sealants are useful in younger patients with newly erupted teeth while they are still maturing and completing their mineral content. Once the crown has been in the mouth for a few years, the need for fissure sealants decline (i.e if a 15 year old presents to your surgery their 6s may not need fissure sealants if they are a low risk patient.)
