Another tip on fibre reinforced composite bridges

So it was mentioned to me that multiple layers of fibres can be used in the pontics of fibre bridges. A common situation is the replacement of lower incisors lost due to perio. Then you get the benefit of splinting as well as tooth replacement.

With the first palatal fibre cured into place joining the abutment teeth together why not tack another strip of fibre labial to this in the pontic space. This is only possible when you don't have the natural tooth to adhere and are recreating the teeth in composite resin. The more fibre in the bridge the stiffer and potentially stronger it will be. After this second layer, a vertical fibre for each pontic tooth can be used as well as a horizontal fibre labial to that. This is the densenst arrangement with fibres going in different directions which will provide a satisfactory result. the translucency of the fibres means that not much composite is required over them to provide a good aesthetic result.
