Looking back on my own thoughts Part 5

This works but I don't do it anymore.  I don't trust the bond between composite resin and a liner. I would rather have less interfaces and composite resin only sealing the tubules. You could probably use a self etching primer and bond to seal the dentine which will remove sensitivity but ideally you pumice clean and etch enamel for an ideal long term bond. If you're going to do something then do it properly. Numb the patient up and restore in composite resin. If you want to temporise till a later time then bog it up in GIC till a later date.

I think i've seen 3radix teeth in 4 years. 1 was an incidental finding on a PA and 2 I had to extract. Of the ones I had to extract, one I saw before hand and it came out whole due to perio. The other I was lucky to notice a foreign body in the socket after I extracted the tooth. I plucked out the extra tooth from its little socket and noticed the extra root in the PA after the fact. This emphasises the importance of having a PA of the tooth or taking a PA if the root outline on the OPG is not clear. In my mind extracting a tooth with a radix is straight foward as the radix is likely to fracture off and can be removed after the tooth is clear. However some radix roots can be quite long and may complicate extraction of the tooth body.
