Cracks in teeth

Cracks are practically ubiquitous and with careful searching cracks can be found in almost any patient. Be wary of patients who present with unexplained sensitivity, heavily restored teeth, pain on biting and release of pressure. Cracks can still appear in unrestored teeth and fractures associated with these are generally much worse than in restored teeth and indicaate excessive forces are being generated e.g bruxism.

Crowning is not always the way to go for any crack and although cracks are undiagnosed, they are also overtreated. The amount and extent of cracks should be matched up to the patients age e.g excessive cracks on young patients may require intervention. Also strategic teeth may consider early intervention e.g lonely molars with large restorations to "protect those teeth long term". 

Treatment doesn't specify crowning teeth but involves cusp coverage which may be in the form of a porcelain overlay
