More on cracks

Observed at DrDs today and he reinforced the need to check teeth for cracks. He pointed out cracks on teeth and asked" what should we do about this?" The general answer was nothing (if there was no symptoms). But when there is a cracks in a symptomatic tooth then we are at a loss of what to do. He removed the restoration and placed a GIC temporary. He had the choice of placing a corticosteroid medicament over the base of the prep to sedate the pulp but that would just mask the symptoms and we wouldn't know if the disappearance of symptoms were due to replacing the restoration or due to the corticosteroid and we would not be sure of the state of the pulp. If the pulp was healthy on review, restoration or crown is the answer. If it is non vital, RCT then crown or exo is the answer.

He also advised that if there were symptomstic cracks on an unrestored tooth. crowning asap is necessary.
