Bonding of indirect restorations

Indirect restorations are constructed outside the mouth and many steps are added on compared to direct restorations. Therefore, the utmost care is taken to ensure a good fit as poor fit will result in remake and lost time and money. But even with proper care, it is important to follow the correct clinical steps to ensure longevity of the restoration.

I had a flat-prep, porcelain emax onlay constructed that wasn't seating (tooth 25-lingual was seating but was rocking on the buccal). Potential causes of this issue that were running through my head:

1. impression distortion,
2. temporary wasn't fully removed (structur with spot etch, bond and flowable resin cement)
3. Incorrect construction of restoration

Solution: I had isolated the tooth with single tooth rubber dam. The restoration was contacting the rubber dam (due to its thickness and was preventing full seating. I modified the rubber dam position to stretch to include the 24 and cut a slit on the distal rubber dam to sit on the occlusal of the 26. I then sealed the resulting gap with oraseal. The restoration then seated well and I proceeded to cement with Panavia F 2.0.
