Pat yourself on the back

Today a difficult extraction went very well. I thought I would have difficulties but the procedure went a lot smoother than I was expecting. Always prepare for things to go wrong. That way you will never be caught surprised. Of course this type of planning only comes with a bit of experience. Always assume the roots will break or the tooth won't budge and be mentally prepared to go to the next level to get the job done.

Be sure to try and focus on the positives. It is very tempting to focus on the negatives of our day to day practice. For example if my next extraction goes horribly wrong I will find the process more scarring and off putting than I found this experience positive. However you have to remember we are in this for the long game. Some things will go wrong but most things will go right (assuming you are competent). So for your own sake take a moment every now and then to pat yourself on the back when you get something right.


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