Primary exams update

Back at the end of last year I subscribed to the RACDS college. I made a post discussing my thoughts about taking the primary exams.

I've now paid for the orientation course over 2 weeks in July. I am seeing this as another hurdle for me to pass. I've had a look at the past papers for this exam and they look pretty full on. I will see how I go at the orientation course. If the motivation is there to study for these exams then I am likely to do it this year. I have been saying to people if I don't do it this year then I might consider taking the exams next year however deep down I know this probably won't happen.

Will keep you updated on how the orientation course goes. I am likely to have many posts after July on medical subjects covered in the primary exams if I intend on continuing with the exams.

Wish me luck!


  1. I did the course a few years ago, but didn't proceed with the exams. It is a lot to learn and hard to find the time and energy when you are working full time. All the best!

    1. Thanks mate, any reason why you didn't proceed with the exams? Will see how I go.

    2. For reasons stated above (full books for 4.5 days a week). After a month I came to the realization that at the pace I was going I wouldn't be able to cover everything and would probably fail. In hindsight, I would have reduced work hours.

    3. Has anyone got past papers for the last 5 years for RACDS primary exam? Thanks in advance even if you don't have them.


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