RACDS orientation course

Just finished the first day of the RACDS orientation course. It started with an introduction and welcome and progressed to a day of lectures including physiology, pathology and cell biology and biochemistry. Definitely had more attendees than I expected, from all over Australia and from overseas too.

The lectures were basic but hopefully they'll pick up in interest. ZZZ what a snooze fest. I don't think I've been that bored for a very long time. I think I've been less bored staring at the blank wall in my bedroom. Of course it's boring because it's hard to keep concentration going over a long day but the subject matter is very reminiscent of first and second year basic sciences.

It is quite strange going back to basics and studying things that while important do not have a direct clinical relevance to dentistry. I will see how the next couple of weeks go for me. Should probably make more of an effort to socialise more but that's just not me.
