Occlusion course

 Day 1 of 2 over for Tom Giblin's Occlusion course in Mona Vale. It was a solid day which was hands on as compared to Michael Melker's lectures. The day was about 50% didactic learning and 50% practical learning how to take occlusal records (impressions, leaf gauge bite, protrusive bite, facebow) and mount the models in a semi adjustable articulator. Tom gave many tips on different subjects and I'll be peppering some blog posts of these random tidbits when I find time.

This year has been quite interesting and I have found that I reached a stagnant state due to restrictions on dental practice and delay of dental courses but attending this course has been cathartic in a sense and I can feel some interest and passion in prosthodontics rising again.

Looking forward to day two which sounds like it will delve a bit more into the theory of occlusion and how to use this knowledge practically.
